Top 10 Recovery Tips for Runners


Tired legs, lack of energy, and injury are the three things every runner fears most during the training phase. Whether you're training for a marathon or a 10-kilometer race, overtraining without adequate recovery can cause harm to the continuity of your training plan. It's often those marginal gains that make your workouts stand out, and recovery techniques can unlock a lot of those gains. Here are the top ten recovery tips to help you get back on your feet:

1. Consume a Protein Shake <br>Protein intake after running is crucial for muscle repair and recovery. The stress that running puts on the body can cause microscopic damage to muscle fibers that need to be repaired. Protein intake stimulates muscle protein synthesis and promotes the production of new muscle proteins, which is critical for optimal recovery.

Our REGO Rapid Recovery Powder provides 20 grams of protein per serving and is best consumed during the 30-minute synthesis window after exercise.

2. Carbohydrate <br>To be ready for your next run, make sure to carbohydrate to replenish your glycogen stores. 1.2 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight is a powerful amount to aim for. Our REGO Rapid Recovery Powder provides 22 grams of carbohydrates per serving, as well as 20 grams of protein, making it the best choice for recovery.

3. Take time to cool down and stretch <br>Cooling down is critical to post-run recovery because it gradually lowers heart rate and body temperature, promoting a smooth transition to a resting state. This process helps flush out metabolites, reduces muscle soreness and stiffness, and enables effective post-exercise recovery.

Runners are often prone to soreness in their legs, especially in their quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes. Therefore, stretching is crucial to overall recovery as it helps improve flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and relieve muscle soreness. It promotes blood flow to the muscles, helps remove metabolic products such as lactic acid, and aids in the overall relaxation and realignment of the muscles.

4. Stay Hydrated <br>When you exercise, you lose water and essential minerals like sodium through sweat. By replenishing lost fluids after exercise, your body can properly recover and your body temperature and pH balance can be adjusted. Adding electrolytes to your drinking water is key to replenishing lost minerals and helping to fully hydrate you.

5. Massage or Foam Roll Sore Muscles <br>A sports massage or massage gun is beneficial because it relieves muscle tension, improves circulation, and encourages the removal of metabolites such as lactic acid that accumulate during high-intensity activity. All of these help promote recovery and reduce the chance of muscle injury.

6. Include active rest days <br>Active rest days, such as cross-training such as swimming or biking, can enhance running recovery by increasing circulation, reducing muscle soreness, and preventing overuse injuries. This variety of activity gives specific running muscles the necessary rest while maintaining cardiorespiratory fitness.

7. Try Cherry Juice Supplements <br>Cherry juice has been scientifically proven to aid muscle recovery and can reduce the onset of muscle soreness, joint inflammation and pain, while also improving the quality of your sleep by increasing melatonin levels. It's a product that's gaining traction in the recovery world, with our REGO Cherry Juice recently named Best Post-Race Nutrition Product by Women's Running Magazine.

8. Get enough quality sleep <br>Proper sleep is essential for recovery during training, especially as you increase your running distance, as the body repairs and strengthens muscles while resting. Approximately 7 to 9 hours of high-quality sleep can improve overall performance, reduce the risk of injury, and support mental resilience. To help optimize your sleep, establish a consistent sleep schedule, stick to a relaxing bedtime routine, and block light, especially light from screens, at least 30 minutes before bed to promote production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin.

9. Use hot water to soothe sore muscles <br>Using hot water, such as a warm bath, can support muscle relaxation and relaxation after running. It increases tissue flexibility and blood circulation while also reducing stress hormone concentrations and improving recovery by increasing certain synthetic hormones.

10. Consider Cold Therapy <br>Ice baths or cold water soaks can aid recovery after intense exercise and help relieve delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) by constricting blood vessels and reducing inflammation. Cold temperatures also slow metabolic activity, reducing tissue damage and promoting faster recovery. Aim to perform this process within 2 hours of running to maximize benefits.

Integrating our top recovery tips into your running training can help ensure effective muscle repair, reduce soreness, and maintain sustained energy levels. From protein intake to ice baths and quick carb snacks, these strategies work together to optimize recovery, improve overall performance, and prepare you for the challenges of running training.
